Working from home – Affiliate marketing success with these exclusive jobs

Working from home – Affiliate marketing success with these exclusive jobs

Working from home has become a necessity for people to earn a living.

Seems like Affiliate marketing success with these exclusive jobs has become the norm.

Corporations and companies opted to let their employees work from home during the pandemic.

As a result, working at your own pace also changed your lifestyle.

Waking up in the morning, smelling a fresh brew of Columbian coffee is a benefit.
Especially not having to worry about being on time at your place of employment.

Not to worry, all sounds good and awesome.

However, you may have found that producing results for your company is an essential part of earning a living.

It seems like working at home became a trend to venture out independently.

For this reason, affiliate marketing success for other ways to make money is a realization.

Here I have found an interesting article.

The report on this editorial highlights thirteen working at home jobs. 

woman with computer - working from home

From Affiliate Marketer To Social Media Manager, 13 Jobs You Can Do If You Want To Work From Home For Life

We are all cozied up in our beds, working from home - the one good thing that came out of this pandemic. We are hopeful that the pandemic will end soon but we don't want this lifestyle to end. 

Some companies have allowed permanent work from home post-pandemic, but you might not be the lucky one working in those companies.

So, we decided to look for jobs that you can do if you want to work from home for life.

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Does working from home really work ?

1. Freelancing


Image Source - Pixabay

When it comes to working from home for life, there's no better option than freelancing. You work at your own pace and at your own time, and you charge the money that you deserve. There's no restriction regarding the field of work, you pick your industry, be it writing, designing, consulting, or any other skill-based job in the world.

You are not constrained by boundaries; you can work for a client in India or a client from the UK. You can even take on several projects simultaneously, all you have to ensure is you deliver the project on time without compromising the quality of work.

2. Social Media Manager

social media jobs - working from home

Image Source - Pixabay

Since a social media manager's job is entirely virtual, there's no need to work from an office.

All you have to do is manage the social media presence of your clients, and you can do it from home or from anywhere in the world.

Affiliate marketing jobs work from home

3. Affiliate Marketer

woman on front of computer - affiliate marketing - working from home

Image Source - Pixabay

Affiliate marketing is basically you earning a commission whenever someone buys something that you recommend. Suppose you have a website or even an Instagram page, and you refer a book to Amazon. If someone buys that book using your link, Amazon pays you a percentage of the sales.

There's very little startup cost involved with affiliate marketing and you can start earning passively as soon as you start. Once you have a wide social presence with a good number of followers, you can earn really well through affiliate marketing.

Animator Jobs working from home

4. Animator

animator animation

Image Source - Pixabay

If you're a creative individual and can create animation and visual effects for television, movies, video games, and other types of media then you can become a freelance animator. You can work from home for different clients, and since this is a creative field, you can earn good money based on your skills.

How to Create Your Own Home Bakery

5. Home Baker

bakery - pastries

Image Source - Pixabay

Gone are the days when you had to go to patisserie schools to become a baker. If you bake really good cakes that people would drool over, or create designs that grab everyone's attention, you can become a home baker.

The setup cost could be pretty high, and you might have to start by baking cakes and pastries for your near and dear ones, but this is one field where word of mouth will take you a long way.

There are so many successful home bakers in India who are making really good money without the burden of culinary school debt.

Blogger Jobs From Home

6. Blogger

blogger  - working from home

Image Source - Pixabay

One easy-to-setup job without a lot of startup cost which enables you to work from home for life is blogging.

All you need is a website, and if you can't afford to have your own website in the beginning, you can start with websites like blogger and WordPress.

One thing to keep in mind is that earning from blogging is a time taking process. It'd be a while before you can start cashing in on your website. But once you have established yourself, the clients and money will follow.

Customer service representative work from home part time

7. Customer Service Representative

customer service rep

Every company needs a customer service representative.

If you have good communication skills and don't get irritated easily, you can become a customer service representative and easily work from home for life.

Companies even reimburse you for your telephone and internet bills, so the related cost is very low as well.

Are event planners in high demand - Can you do event planning remotely?

8. Event Planner

event planer

Anyone who has ever planned a birthday, anniversary, or any kind of event knows what a time taking and tiring task it is.

That's why people are happy to delegate this work to an organized individual who can plan events for them.

You don't necessarily need an office setup, you can work from your home.

One mandatory thing is understanding the client's demands and delivering everything as per their expectation.

Home based Travel Agent Jobs - Do Travel Agents make good money?

9. Travel Agent

travel agent

People love planning their vacations, so much so they spend days on a stretch in finding good accommodation and making a fulfilling itinerary.

They think they are saving money but they don't understand they are losing their precious time.

Not everyone though, those who value their time prefer to delegate this task to a travel agent.

If you are an organized person who loves to scour the web for those unexplored holiday destinations, you can become a really good travel agent.

Teachable instructional videos - working from home

10. Film and Post Instructional Videos

film - instructional videos

There's a popular saying if you're good at something, never do it for free. 

If you're really good at something, create a YouTube channel or an Instagram account, film instructional videos, and start posting.

You can enroll in YouTube's partner program and start earning some cash per 1000 views.

Once you have established yourself, you will start getting partnerships and brand deals and can earn really well.

How to become a graphic designer - working at home

11. Graphic Designer

graphic designer

Every online business needs someone to design its website, logos, or visual ads.

You don't even need a degree or certification in this area, if you are skilled and can do your work really well, companies will pay you.

If you are in the vicious circle of 'can't be hired because no work experience' and 'no experience because no one hires a fresher, you can start by making samples for your portfolio. 

Show the portfolio with sample designs to the client to give them an understanding of what you can do. If you're good, more likely than not you'll get hired on the basis of your sample portfolio.

How to make money as an artist or crafter

12. Artist/Crafter

Artist -Crafter

Are you an artist? Do you create beautiful handmade stuff?

Then you can start listing your products on various websites like Etsy and start earning money through them.

Is an instructor a teacher - teaching online from home

13. Instructor


Again, if you're good at something, start teaching it online.

Whatever your field of expertise is, you can always find people willing to learn.

You can take a masterclass or provide one-on-one mentoring.

You can even start uploading your teaching videos on various online teaching platforms available.

Based on your skills, and area of interest, you can choose from any of the above mentioned jobs to provide you a work from home for life.

Conclusion -

Working from Home

Here you have it. You now have thirteen jobs you can work from home.

Working from home, affiliate marketing, and these exclusive jobs are well worth investigating.

Above all, these exceptional work from home jobs is perfect for the entrepreneur.

Of course, once you decide which of these jobs are for you working from home, Lead generation and promotion is one of the most critical parts of your business venture.

Summary of working from home jobs

1 Freelancing

there is no better possibility than freelancing. You work at your own pace, at your own time, and you charge the money that you deserve

2 Social Media Manager 

Since a social media manager's job is entirely virtual, there is no need to work from an office.

3 Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing earns a commission whenever someone buys something that you recommended.

4 Animator

If you are a creative individual and can create animation and visual effects for television, movies, video games, and other types of media, then you can become a freelance animator.

5 Home Baker

Gone are the days when you had to go to patisserie schools to become a baker.

6 Blogger

One easy-to-setup job without startup cost which enables you to work from home for life is blogging.

7 Customer Service Representative

Every company needs a customer service representative. If you have practical communication skills and do not get irritated quickly, this may be for you.

8 Event Planner

Planning a birthday, anniversary, or any event knows what a time-consuming and tiring task it is, however, for a people person very rewarding.

9 Travel Agent

People love planning their vacations, so they spend days on a stretch to find suitable accommodation and make a fulfilling itinerary.

10 Film and Post Instructional Videos

There is a famous saying if you are good at something, never do it for free. Create a YouTube channel or an Instagram account, instructional film videos, and start posting if you are good at something.

11 Graphic Designer

Every online business needs someone to design its website, logos, or visual ads.

12 Artist/Crafter

Are you an artist? Do you create beautiful handmade stuff?

13 Instructor

Again, if you are good at something, start teaching it online. Whatever your field of ability is, you can always find people willing to learn.

Wealth Management Techniques and a Review of Manifestation

Wealth Management Techniques and a Review of Manifestation

Wealth management techniques are the most common reason, why people get self-help guides.

As a result, manifestation magic are mindset products, so that they can attract wealth.

Learn the skills from this review of manifestation magic.

Most people will agree that they could always use more money.

You would think that with all the guides and products out there, everyone would be rich and living an abundant life.

Yet, most people struggle daily.

A brutally honest review about wealth management and manifestation magic

When we came across the “Manifestation Magic” website, our first question was, “Does the world need another product on the law of attraction?”

Putting our skepticism aside, we decided to review this product.

And give you a brutally honest review about wealth management and manifestation magic.

Manifestation Magic is a series of audio tracks that have brainwave entrainment frequencies.

By listening to these tracks when you are about to sleep, your brain will be more receptive.

As well as hypnotic suggestions about your wealth management.

Using these wealth management suggestions of manifestation magic is a brilliant concept.

Because, there will be much less external and internal interference.

What You will Find Inside manifestation magic:

Before looking at the benefits of Manifestation Magic, let us look at what you get – and you do get a lot.

- Quick Start Manifestation Guide (PDF, Kindle, iBook versions)

- Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track

- 7 “Energy Orbiting” Tracks to Enhance Chakra Wealth Energy.

- The “Push Play” Audio App

- 60-Day, Money-Back Guarantee

- Bonus #1 - Chakra Power System

- Bonus #2 - 360 Transformation System

- 2 Surprise Bonuses – The Abundance Miracle System & 7 Sacred Signs

This package sure does not hold back. We were quite surprised to receive so much content for a reasonably low price.

Manifestation Magic is a complete system that is more comprehensive than most books in this genre… BUT… content alone is not enough.

There is still one VERY IMPORTANT question that must be answered…

Will Manifestation Magic Help You with wealth management?

1. Actions that matter: 

The biggest problem we had with books like The Secret was that all you had to do was think positively to see results. This Pollyanna approach to manifesting wealth sounds good, but rarely works.

Manifestation magic requires you to listen to the audios. This is work. It is not hard work – but it is necessary work.

2. Builds a strong foundation: 

The reason Manifestation Magic works and has positive testimonials is because of the science behind it. You are gently taken from a place of lack to a place of abundance. This is crucial.

It is exceedingly difficult to do this solely with books because we are creatures of habit.

So, by listening to the audios, we can delve deeply into the mind and fix the inconsistencies that are sabotaging our efforts. Manifestation Magic does this better than any book we have seen.

3. Consistency: 

By asking you to listen to the tracks daily, Manifestation Magic builds wealth habits and thinking in you subconsciously. This is not a haphazard approach to generating wealth like positive thinking that you do anytime you feel like. Consistency leads to results.

4. Clearing out the trash: 

No amount of positive thinking can work if you are still stuck in your old patterns of thinking. It is like applying nail polish on a rash to hide it.

You must treat the problem. Manifestation magic has “Energy Orbiting” audio sessions to clear abundance blocks in your mind. By clearing the old obstacles, your path will now be clear to manifest miracles without your attempts being impeded.

5. All-Encompassing System: 

On the surface, Manifestation magic looked like just another run-of-the-mill self-help product. We were so wrong.

There are audios, a QuickStart guide and about 14 bonus audios that will help you with your wealth management. Also love life, spirituality, etc. It is so much more than a wealth attraction product and it lived up to its promises.

6. Easy to use: 

There is no denying the fact that it is easier to listen to audios rather than force yourself to think and visualize positive images when your life around you are in shambles.

Manifestation Magic is a very practical and down-to-earth program that understands that you need to make changes WITHIN before you can make changes in your life. The canvas must be clean before you can create a masterpiece. We loved the audio tracks with the gentle pulsating sounds!

7. Genuine Testimonials: 

The official sales page has reviews from customers who have tried the product and seen changes in their life. That is social proof that the audio tracks deliver on the promise.

8. Instant access: 

This is a digital product. You will get instant access to it and can start changing your life at once. No shipping costs or delays.

9. 60-Day Money Back Guarantee: 

This point alone shows the abundance mindset that Alexander has. He has so much faith in his product that he has given you enough time to test out the product and make changes in your life.

If it does not work, you can always get your money back. We are guessing that you will not because Manifestation Magic will add magic in your life. Still, it is a risk-free purchase.

wealth management

What are Subliminal Messages and NLP?

Subliminal messages have been around for decades. Terms such as ‘self-hypnosis’, ‘binaural beats’ etc. have been used to describe audio tracks.

 For that gently work on reprogramming your subconscious mind while you sleep.

These tracks are easy to use because they require little effort on your part. All you do listen to them when you are in a sleepy and more suggestive state.

Invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder NLP refers to neurolinguistic programming. NLP is used to change your behavioral patterns by altering your neurological processes.

It is akin to creating new outcomes by changing your habits.

What makes your wealth management with Manifestation Magic so powerful is that the audio tracks that come with this program infuse both subliminal messages and NLP.

That makes these tracks even more potent and effective.

Are there any downsides to this product of manifestation magic?

There are a few downsides. No product is perfect… and thankfully, the only 2 cons we could fine were just minor issues.

1) Can only be bought online.  You cannot buy this product from a bookstore.

It is a digital product, certainly to access and download it you need a computer and an internet connection.

The product vendors intentionally made it this way. So that they could keep the production costs low and make it affordable to the masses - and help as many people as possible.

2) Audio tracks may not be suitable for everyone

Some people may find it difficult to listen to the tracks because the frequency may be jarring to them. This is a small minority – but it happens.

The good news is that you just need to contact the support team of Manifestation Magic and they’ll mix a new audio track for you with a different frequency that you can easily listen to – and they will do it for FREE! Excellent customer support here.

Should You Buy manifestation magic?

Definitely! This product delivers what it says on the tin. You are backed by a guarantee and you’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain.

It bridges the gap between visualization and results. The audios will accelerate your results if you are already practicing daily visualization. It is the missing piece of the puzzle.

There must be action if you wish to see results. Listening to the audios is the action that you must take to change your life fast.

And manifest healthy wealth management you wish to see.

The house of your dreams, the fast car your heart desires, the extra money in your bank and the financial freedom you want is within reach.

It may seem like hype, and we were cynical too, but Manifestation Magic does give you the edge you need to make your dreams come true.

Give it a try and you will never look back.

>> Get Manifestation Magic Now! <<

Your subconscious mind and the power of neuro-linguistic programming

Your subconscious mind and the power of neuro-linguistic programming

subconscious mind

Subconscious mind and the power of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

NLP is a technique that allows you to reprogram your subconscious mind.

As well as unlocking its hidden potential.

Because it will give you the power to take control of your life.

And create the success you want.

You have heard about the power of the mind and how it can affect your behavior.

But you do not know how to access it.

So, wanting to take control of your life you need to learn how to use your mind for success.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful tool to reprogram your subconscious mind and unlock its hidden potential.

NLP is all about understanding the language we use, both internally and externally.

It can shape our thoughts and beliefs.

With NLP you can change how you think, how you see yourself, and how you interact with the world and the people around you.    

Here are the best methods for transforming your subconscious mind.

What has your subconscious mind to do with neuro-linguistic programming?

So, what has your subconscious mind to do with neuro-linguistic programming?

In case you do not get what, I am saying, NLP is two things.

First, it is a way of thinking.

It is a framework for how to approach your life to be more effective.

In other words, a philosophy of life based on understanding how your brain functions.

Second, it is a psycho-therapy tool.

Because, it is used to treat phobias and to change beliefs in patients. 

Some consider it as effective as CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) and most say it is a lot faster than the Freudian school of thought.

Why Neuro-linguistic programming?

Because at the core of NLP lies hypno-therapy.

To be more specific, the “behavioral changing” part of NLP is built on the teachings of Milton Erickson, one if not the most famous hypnotherapists of all times.

And you know what hypno-therapy does?

Well, it is an access, a hack, to your subconscious mind.

Let me give you this analogy. Imagine your mind being like a computer.

Your conscious mind is accessing programs, turning it on and off and so on.

In other words, normal user access.

Your subconscious mind is like going into the settings, installing applications, removing them, adding new users and so on.

Best way to become healthy with Subliminal conditioning to end your fears

Your subconscious mind is the “engine” or the “backroom” that controls everything.

Well, NLP is like a hacker that can break the password of your subconscious mind and change there.

It allows you to change beliefs and to change who you are, as a person, to your core.

Your subconscious mind goes to those deep thoughts and ideas.

Most likely, you do not even know you have and makes you act differently by tweaking your basic concepts of self.

It hijacks your subconscious mind, and it does it very well.

Moreover, using subliminal conditioning is the best way to become healthy to end your fears.

And with the use of neuro-linguistic programming, you can end phobias, you can change necessary preferences (as not liking chocolate anymore), or you can even cure wounds of the past, like those from childhood.

It is effective.

It works well, and the endorsement by some of the best-known authors in the world.

Tony Robbins built his career and success on NLP, and if you run a survey amongst successful people, you will see that many of them are NLP practitioners or masters.

How to achieve financial success with Subliminal persuasion

You cannot mess with what works.

So why am I telling you this?

If NLP is like a hacker that tweaks your subconscious mind so you can become the person you want to be.

NLP is like a design tool that allows you to redesign who you are, because brainwave entrainment is a tool that makes it faster and easier.

If NLP is the thief that breaks the lock-pick, then the use of brainwave entrainment with it is like having the best lock-pick in the world, making the process effortlessly.

And what does this mean for you?

It is simple.

Use them both. Use the fantastic power of NLP to change beliefs and self-identity concepts and use the power of brainwave entrainment to help your subconscious mind be receptive and open. 

Open the door with brainwave synchronizing and change the furniture with NLP.

Subconscious mind and how to explain Neuro-linguistic programming

A simple way to understand this is music.

Think about it and how easy it has the power to change you.

You listen to a song, and you are not even paying attention to the lyrics. And yet, if it is a sad song, you become unhappy.

If it is a lively song, it boosts your energy. If you listen to it many times, you end up thinking like in the song.

Music is an excellent example of a tool that accesses your subconscious mind without even realizing it.

You turn on YouTube, and through repetition and emotion, you end up being one with the music.

Have you tried reading a book you had no interest in reading? Maybe for college or work?

You read the words and verbalized them in your mind, but you end up forgetting everything. They “enter one year and exit another.”

Generally speaking, your subconscious mind is as close as it gets, and learning cannot happen in your conscious dimension.

Helping your subconscious mind work at a higher frequency

Brainwave entrainment is fantastic for helping your mind work at that higher frequency.

Therefore, I use NLP in all my tools.

They are like Vitamin C for your life, making everything better. And if you use brainwave entrainment, this is enough to attract, to manifest good things in your life.

That is the result of working at a higher level.

However, real, lasting change comes not by attracting things in our lives but by changing who we are, so those things become a natural order.

It is when we change our beliefs and ideas, so we transform into people for whom success and happiness are two natural things.

And this is where NLP works so well.

It works for everything from curing phobias of spiders to getting past PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

Likewise, to program you to be more confident in front of a crowd or to be more assertive with your coworkers.

How to attract prosperity by tapping into your subconscious mind?

Short-term wins are great - if you want a successful life, you must become a naturally successful person.

And the only difference between you and a successful person is that the other one developed the beliefs and identity of such a person. If you grow them too, nothing is stopping you from doing just.

I build my program “Manifestation Magic” around NLP.

Each audio has hidden embedded commands that reprogram your subconscious mind.

Like an ethical hacker, brainwave syncing is opening the path to your subconscious mind while NLP commands are transforming who you are into the best version you could ever be.

These are called “NLP patterns,” and designed to be as easy to receive by the subconscious mind as possible.

I do this through a combination of pacing, intonation, and wording so your mind can accept them as commands, as truth, without getting defensive. It is like music, just so much more powerful.

An NLP pattern is what a hypnotherapist would tell you to put you into a trance. It is the highly suggestive language that bypasses your rational filters to reach where it matters most, your subconscious mind.


Your subconscious thoughts and total personal transformation

Neuro-linguistic programming plus brainwave entrainment is like having a hacker change your mind. 

NLP alone can access your subconscious thoughts, but when paired with brainwave entrainment, the results are mind-blowing.

You can see a real change in days when all other methods you have tried for a long time like therapy failed.

Brainwave entrainment is the secret behind “Manifestation Magic.”

Therefore, it works.

It works because instead of just using brainwave entrainment to help you work at a higher frequency, at a higher vibration, it also changes who you are at your core.

The result is a total personal transformation into the person you have always wanted to be but never known how.

Click on the link below to discover more about how “Manifestation Magic” can help you.

>> Get Manifestation Magic Now <<


“Manifestation Magic” is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, medication, or therapy. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have concerning any mental health symptom or medical condition. “Manifestation Magic” is not authorized to make recommendations about medication or serve as a substitute for professional advice. Never disregard professional psychological or medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice or treatment because of something you have read on “Manifestation Magic”.

How to increase traffic to a website in any business

How to increase traffic to a website in any business

How to increase traffic to a website, is the best way to generate more revenue for any business.

Fortunately, there are many ways, both paid and free.

Above all, gaining more customers and see a noticeable increase in website traffic.

In this article you will learn how to increase traffic to a website of your business.

Writing irresistible Headlines is an important part  of how to increase traffic to a website

Writing irresistible Headlines is an important part of how to increase traffic to a website

In the first place, write a compelling headline.

Indeed, you do want your well-written content read by visitors to your website.

In other words, inspire your website visitors with an intriguing headline.

Above all, spend some time on creating a deep, emotional headline copy.

So, without question reaching your consumers is an essential factor in copy-writing.

Therefore, giving it some thought is essential before you publish the content on your site.

Is Guest Blogging a thing of the past in order to get views to a website?

how to increase traffic to a website

Regardless of what you've heard, guest blogging is not a thing of the past.

For this reason, secure guest posting on reputable sites.

So, what would you like to achieve by being contributory to some one's blog?

Contributing to other people's blog posts is a great way to build relationships.

Guest blogging is not only a fantastic way of building your e-mail list.

Even more, improving your SEO and website traffic, as well as generate backlinks to your website.

Of course, being mindful of the site's content is vital.  And, which fits your niche or business.

Additionally, your blog must have an engaging readership with social followers on Facebook and Twitter.

How to increase traffic to a website with Paid advertising?

paid advertising to how  increase traffic to a website

Image source: Pixabay

Paid media has its advantages and disadvantages.

Whatever your goals are, use a paid strategy for advertising.

An effective way how to increase traffic to a website is to display advertising, video ads, and social media advertising.

Many marketers believe that pay per click is the most effective advertising option.

For example, Google AdWords is one of the more popular networks for advertising.

So, in case you want fast results, this is something to investigate.

Of course, considering the effectiveness of your paid advertising is something to keep in mind.

Leveraging your marketing dollar is an integral part of your business.

Therefore, avoid wasting money and always do your research on different advertising options.

Get Social - to increase traffic to your website 

how to increase traffic to a website

Image Source: Pixabay

Want to increase revenue for your business?

Get social is one of the best ways your content can generate income.

Likewise, drive traffic to your website.

Let's assume for a moment, you own a business and want to keep your customers abreast of your upcoming new events or products.

So how do you go about getting your message out? You make them sign up for a newsletter.

You'll write a post to create value for your subscribers and send it out via e-mail and social media.

Of course, the content needs to match your audience's desires and information.

In other words, make your newsletter informational. Write about the benefit of the product or services.

Try to make it an enjoyable read as well as how it can improve their lifestyle.


Increase search engine ranking with these free SEO tools

Increase search engine ranking with these free SEO tools

Increase Search engine ranking with these free SEO tools?

Are you wondering how to implement these web tools?

You can improve the position at which your website appears in a search engine's search results.

The likelihood that consumers will visit a website increases with its search engine ranking.

Therefore, it is important for businesses and website owners to improve their search engine ranking in order to increase traffic to their site.

There are strategies that can be employed to improve search engine ranking.

Including perfecting the website's content and structure.

Especially building high-quality backlinks and using targeted keywords.

By following best practices for search engine optimization (SEO), businesses and website owners can improve their search engine ranking.

As a result, drive more qualified traffic to their site.

Here are 50 free SEO tools you can use for a considerable increase in website traffic and search engine ranking.

Google Trends – How to increase search engine ranking with these SEO tools

google trends

Source: Google Trends

This is the go-to tool for determining the best keywords for your site.

Because, it allows you to view how search queries change over time when people search for your keyword.

In fact, it also compares different words and phrases to see which ones will work best. With this information, you can use the right phrases on your site.

 Likewise, within your blog posts to help boost your website traffic

Browseo – great SEO tools to 

increase search engine ranking

and allows you to view any web page without distraction

The Browser tool will show you how a search engine views your site.

It strips down your site to the base level.

Which means, getting rid of the fonts, headers, and images to display the relevant SEO information.

For example, when you can look at your site this way, you can see what might need improvement.

 To use the tool, enter your URL into the site. 

Screaming Frog to improve your SEO, website and search engine ranking?

This tool will crawl your website and look for SEO roadblocks.

And will provide you with a detailed report of the problem areas within your site.

It will look for broken links, oversized files, missing metadata, duplicate pages, and internal links.

You can use the results to improve your SEO, website and search engine ranking.

This tool will crawl your website and look for SEO roadblocks.

 Besides, provide you with a detailed report of the problem areas within your site.

Also, look for broken links, oversized files, missing metadata, duplicate pages, and internal links.

You can use the results to improve your SEO and website.

GTmetrix - SEO tools to get a score on your page speed

seo tools GMetrix increase search engine ranking

 Having slow page speed can significantly hinder your SEO efforts.

If you didn't already know, site speed plays a significant role in search engine rankings.

Use GTmetrix to double-check the load rate of your site.

Generally speaking, enter your URL into the website.

  As a result, get a score on your page speed and a list of ways that you can improve. 

Increase search engine ranking with Rank Checker

increase search engine ranking -rank checker

Find out where your website lands in search engine results with Rank Checker.

It will show you where your site shows up and will provide you with useful tips on how to improve your site.

You can install the button on your toolbar, so you have easy access to the information.

 With this tool, you can keep a close eye on where your website stands. 

Responsive Design Test

Search engines give special treatment to websites that look great on all devices, no matter their orientation or size.

To make sure your site looks sharp on every device, make sure to use responsive website design.

 If you aren't sure if your site uses a responsive design, you can use this free tool to check.  

With the help of these six, free SEO tools you can ensure that your site will rank higher on the search engines drive more traffic to your site and increase your search engine ranking.

Recommended Resources

Which is the best free SEO tool to increase search engine ranking?

Bing Webmaster Tools. While Google Webmaster Tools gets all the glory, folks forget that Bing Webmaster offers a full suite of website and search analytics. ...

Data Studio. ...

Enhanced Google Analytics Annotations. ...

Google Analytics. ...

Search Console. ...

Keyword Hero. ...

MozCast. ...

Beam Us Up.

The 50 Best Free SEO Tools [100% Free] 

How can I do SEO for free?

To help boost your rankings without calling in a webmaster, here are six free SEO tools for the time-strapped business owner:

Google Trends. Google Trends is a go-to keyword tool. ...

BROWSEO. This tool shows you how a search engine sees your site. ...

Screaming Frog. ...

GTmetrix. ...

Rank Checker. ...

Responsive Design Test.

6 free SEO tools to boost your search engine rankings ...

What are the tools of SEO?

29 Best Free SEO Tools (Tried & Tested)

Google Keyword Planner, Analytics, Search Console, etc. Traffic growth to the Ahrefs Blog shown in Google Analytics. ...

Answer the Public. ...

Ahrefs' Free Backlink Checker. ...

Beam Us Up. ...

Yoast SEO. ...

Keyworddit. ...* ...

SEO Web Page Analyzer.

29 Best Free SEO Tools (Tried & Tested) - Ahrefs

What is the best SEO tool?

Here are the Best SEO Tools that you must use in 2020:

Ahrefs: SEO Keyword Tool.

Google Search Console: Top Google SEO Tool.

SEMRush: Marketing SEO Tools.

KWFinder: SEO Keyword Tool.

MOZ: SEO Software.

Yoast SEO: Best free SEO tool.

Answer The Public: Free SEO Tools.

SpyFu: Free SEO Tools.

Best SEO Tools 2022: Do You Really Need Them? This Will Help ...

8 Unique website promotions reveal likely winner

8 Unique website promotions reveal likely winner

Website promotions is an ongoing method of internet marketing.

In this post you’ll learn how to grow as an online affiliate marketer.

These eight unique website promotions are the continuing process of internet marketing.

Want to know how to promote your website without going broke?

Join more than thousands of marketers from the US, Canada, and Australia. Likewise, discovering the best way to market your product or services.

Consequently, gaining insight and increasing your competitive advantage at website promotions.

And now, It's your opportunity to learn and grow as an affiliate marketer.

website promotions - how readers find articles

FREE e-book “5 Quick Ways to get Traffic to Your Website” >>Access Here<<

How website promotions solve problems for Affiliate Marketers?

woman telling secret of website promotions

Affiliate marketers confront many problems; from generating traffic, leads, SEO techniques as well as drive traffic to your website.

  • Creating and writing quality content for your web pages and posts.
  • Produce content that resonates with your target consumers.
  • Generate a budget-friendly website with promotional content.
  • Targeting the right personas of Customers
  • Finding and clearly define your prospects and
  • Focus on your consumer at the perfect time
  • Making time for marketing and
  • above all having a real budget.

Of course, you can't forget the sources for your marketing study — likewise, the creation and implementation of your funnel content.

Why Consumer problems are vital for you as a marketer?

digital marketing strategy

Remember, creating content for your audience is to lead them to your product.

In other words, you are creating a market for your consumers. Your strategy is to create a demand.

Most of the time, audiences don't even realize that a product or service is needed until you point them to it.

For the most part, your original post is critical to get unique visitors to your website.

You produce content, which is engaging, informs, also creates value. Consequently, the "aha" moment has arrived. Your audience is interested. And the demand for your product has come.

That means, your prospect becomes a buyer interested in your product or service.

However, as you know yourself, you need "something," you want it now!

In other words, you can't wait. So, what do you do? You go online and search for that "thing or product."

For this reason, it's essential finding solutions for your customer's problems and needs.

Case study of my own experience in website promotions

from old car to firebird with website promotions

Source of Images: Pixabay

The car I drove always started without any problem. I enjoyed driving it, because its comfortable, good on gas and never let me down.

The best part, I had paid for it in full.

Buying a new car was not on my mind.

In hope, finding reasonable priced audio speakers, I went online. For some reason, the headline of adverts about a Firebird caught my eye.

Before I knew it, I clicked on it. Reading that post about the Firebird was a mistake on my part.

Whoever wrote that post about the car is a marketing genius. In other words, a brilliant way this blog post describes that car. From the motor, tires, the looks, down to each detail of the leather seats and interior.

As a matter of effect, reading that post, I could see myself driving down the road in a brand-new silver metallic Firebird.

Firebird in the window of the showroom

Long story short, the next day, it just so happened I passed by a car dealership. And lo-and-behold I saw a firebird in the window of the showroom.

Well, guess what happened? I couldn't control my car. It just turned into their parking lot by itself.

I said to myself; I might as well look at it since I'm here already.

As usual, the salesman approached me. Wanting to know at this point if there is anything he could help.

I said, no…, just looking.

I think it only took about ten minutes and my old car getting detailed and polished for a new owner:)

And the rest of the story? You guessed it!

Suddenly, I drove off the lot with a brand spanking new firebird.

However, there was only one problem; the color wasn't silver; its color was metallic red.


What is the solution for best website promotions?

Creating content that resonates with your target audience


website promotions - idea plan action

So, can you see above what happened? I never had any intention of buying a car.

The person writing this advert for the car knew his stuff. Whoever wrote this post about the Firebird created the market. (It sure created it for me).

Above all, what can you learn from my experience:

In the first place, creating content that resonates with your target audience is always king.

At the same token, writing a post your prospect finds useful and informative.

Even more, you won't hurt your budget.

Not only can you find your consumer with content and website promotions, but also target them at the right time.

Indeed, you have an advantage over your competitors.

For example, look at this $7.00 e-book about boosting your website traffic.

As a matter of fact, this guide is a useful tool to drive traffic to your site.

Conclusion of 8 unique website promotions

Creating and writing quality content for your web pages and posts.

In the first place, writing and creating quality content for your web pages is always king.

For this reason, use website analytics and SEO techniques.

 And, your goal is to drive traffic to your website!

You are crafting content that resonates with your target consumers.

The strategy as a marketer is to create a demand for a product or service.

Create content that resonates with the reader of your post.

Remember, you are not writing content for the sake of selling.

Instead, you supply the solution to a problem your unique visitor is searching for online.

Generating a budget-friendly website with promotional content

The best way of creating Promotional content without spending a fortune is making a website.

Internet marketing is about producing an SEO-friendly post.

The advantage of your website content is low budget marketing.

Because writing a blog doesn't require a massive budget unless you have paid website promotions.

Targeting the right personas of Customers

How do you target the right person searching for a product?

You may want to think about several factors.

Consider the income level, gender, age, and occupation.

And also, the consideration of educational level, family status, and ethnic backgrounds.

Finding and clearly define your prospects

Defining your prospect is like being a psychiatrist. Digging into the characteristics of a consumer and its lifestyle.

In that case, we are learning the behavior, personalities, interests, and hobbies as well as values.

Want to find compelling evidence of behavior? You can see on social media.

The same goes for online searches on google and other search engines.

Targeting your consumer at the perfect time

Research shows that having your ad at the right place at the right time is essential.

You may want to know what's the buzz about your product.

Go online, and you'll be amazed at the information you can gather.

Again, I'll find that social media is the best place for your research.

Finding time for marketing your products website

To increase remarkable product sales online, you've got to find time to do proper marketing.

Would it make sense to you, making it a priority marketing your product?

Commit yourself to a specific time, writing your content. Of course, it all depends on how much effort you're willing to commit.

It's crucial to concentrate on your project to achieve success.

Having a realistic budget for your unique website promotion

Website promotions to achieve your goal requires a real budget.

Marketers don't pay much attention to an advertising budget.

However, by setting aside money for your promotions, you assure yourself of the desired outcome.

Even dough, using your knowledge of SEO and keyword research, you can generate traffic and leads for free.

Essential to realize, however, is to have a real budget for your adventure.
