Survival and Prepper Challenge How to Think Like a Prepper

Survival and Prepper Challenge How to Think Like a Prepper

Survival and prepper challenge

Survival: The Survival and Prepper Challenge will help you in real-life survival scenarios.

As a matter of fact, it teaches you the importance of being knowledgeable in basic survival skills.

By thinking like a prepper, you will be able to better assess risks, plan, and respond quickly when needed.   

The challenge provides an excellent way to learn the fundamentals of preparedness.

As well as building the inner strength needed to stay resilient during times of crises.

So, knowing the information and skills provided through the Survival and Prepper Challenge are important.

Because it gives you the insight you need to stay alive.

In this article you will learn the necessary skills and have the correct mindset.

Consequently, you can equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to survive and thrive in any kind of situation.

Why Survival and prepper challenge and how to think like a prepper is important?

When your survival is in jeopardy, do you not feel discouraged?

In fact, you turn on the news and there is nothing uplifting to hear about the future.

That is why knowing the Survival and Prepper Challenge and How to Think Like a Prepper are becoming more popular.

Because of the fears of an economic meltdown from food shortages and inflation to depression.

A record number of individuals are buying goods and trying to live the prepper lifestyle.

But to be truly prepared, you must first learn and develop a survivalist mindset.

Today I will share with you how you can learn and prepare yourself for survival and emergency.

126 Long Lasting Foods You Should Add To Your Pantry

Lost Survival Foods

Learning Survival Skills and Think Like a Prepper

Learn survival skills and think like a prepper or a survivalist.

Because, it involves much more than just buying guns and camouflage clothing.

When you think like a prepper, you continuously prioritize your life.

Thus, survival by striving to keep one step ahead of what is going on.

People sometimes associate the word “survival” with being stranded in the woods.

Moreover, experiencing a dramatic situation, but in this context, I am referring to economic and social survival.

In other words, getting by and making ends meet and safeguarding your family with survival food.

Practice Survival that Makes you Successful

It may seem unimportant at first but thinking like a prepper or survivalist will make you a better prepper or survivalist.

A good example is the young boy who plays basketball, imagining that he is Michael Jordan.

He buys the shoes and when he approaches the free throw line, he bounces the ball like Michael Jordan.

And stands like Michael Jordan and shoots like Michael Jordan, all to be as good as his idol.

The issue is that, contrary to widespread belief, “acting like” Michael Jordan will not help you get better at basketball; only working on your skills will.

It is the countless hours of drills, layups, and practice that makes you successful, not the outer appearances.

The same is true for survivalists and preppers.

Become prepared and ensure your family’s existence

Going to gun shows and wearing the clothes and cool bumper stickers will do nothing to safeguard you and your family when the “sewage” hits the fan.

To become prepared and ensure your family’s survival, you must learn how to think like a prepper.

Unfortunately, that is very boring sometimes.

Thinking like a prepper means that you know how many calories per day each person in your family needs to survive.

Especially, under adverse conditions and what economical foods you can store will supply those calories.

Thinking like a prepper means that you understand how much wattage the necessary appliances in your home require.

 and you are producing a plan to generate those watts when the power goes out.

survival waterborne illness

Waterborne Illness

It also means that you understand all the types of waterborne pathogens that can kill or sicken your family.

And exactly how to neutralize those bugs so that you have safe water to drink.


It is not glamorous being a prepper or a survivalist, but if you learn to think like one.

As a result, your family will always be protected, and you will be able to rest easy.

When you are resting easy and knowing that your essentials are taken care of.

 You can spend your free time visiting a gun show and buying two or three camouflage shirts!

 Do you want to learn how to get started with an easy Survival Food plan?


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The Best Indoor Grow Lights are for your Indoor Plants

The Best Indoor Grow Lights are for your Indoor Plants

Growing plants indoors with artificial light

The best Indoor grow lights are your solution to problems with plant growth.

Ever woke up in the morning or came home from work and seen your plants looking droopy?

I am going to share with you the perfect formula for growing plants indoors with artificial light.

And learn why indoor grow lights are your solution to problems growing plants indoors.

Why use indoor grow lights for indoor plants?

orchids grown with indoor grow lights

There are many benefits using indoor grow lights.

Especially, with the new technology in LED lighting.

These grow lights are used in applications where there is no naturally occurring light.

Even more, where supplemental light is required.

So, why are these Grow Lights the answer for healthy looking indoor plants?

* Problems with Plant Growth

* Not enough naturally occurring light

* Withered hydroponics plants

* Cheer up your home or office

* Grow your own herbs or vegetables indoors

As you can see, grow lights are your solution. 

That is to say, it's the perfect formula for growing plants indoors with artificial light.

By the same token, these lights are suitable for flowers, orchids, tobacco, fruits and vegetables.

Above all, it's a necessary tool for greenhouses, flower shops and offices.

What are the benefits of using indoor grow lights?

Certainly, these Grow  lights are of great benefit for the indoor Gardner.

In general, are being used frequently in hydroponics farming.

Indeed, using grow lights increases plant propagation and food production.  

Seems like, you can save a lot of time and money.

Above all, lush indoor plants will be the envy of your guests.

 Amazon customers  give rave reviews and really like these products.

Get indoor grow lights for your home

Grow light kits come in all kind of shapes and sizes.

I’ve found, the best ones are the LED plant grow lights for indoors.

I mean, it depends on the intended use of LED grow lights.

In this case, the color variations are the key to successful plant growth.

Research on grow light for Greenhouse grower

Phillips Lighting conducted research on LED grow lights. 

Consequently, in these tests they achieved a best light recipe for growing various vegetables in greenhouses.

They found, that the following aspects of light affects both plant growth (photosynthesis) and plant development (morphology).

Also, light intensity and total light over time. 

To summarize, light at which moment of the day and light/dark period per day.

As well as, light quality (spectrum), light direction and light distribution over the plants.

However, the best light recipe was not the same for all plants. The researchers noticed, a variation in test conducted between tomatoes, mini cucumbers and bell peppers.

In short, it varied, depending on both the crop and region.

Based on trial and error, you need to optimize LED lighting in greenhouses.

They've shown that LED light affects disease resistance.

The final analysis, it affected the taste and nutritional levels.

But, as of 2014 they haven't found a practical way to use that information.



So here it is, the perfect formula for growing plants indoors with the best indoor grow lights.

In any event, it's your solution to many of your problems for healthy indoor plants.

Even more, the benefits of using indoor grow lights and new technology in LED lighting.

What growing lights do you use, I would love to hear from you.

Do You Know How To Grow Organic Vegetables?

Do You Know How To Grow Organic Vegetables?

Aquaponics 4 You
organic vegetables casserole

Organic vegetables are necessary for a healthy, balanced diet.

They offer you all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Furthermore, do you know how to grow organic vegetables with the help of fish?

Unfortunately, vegetables have become quite expensive lately.

Because fewer producers choose to grow organic vegetables.

In this article you will learn the benefits of using fish to grow organic vegetables.

Grow your own organic vegetables effortless 

Growing your own organic vegetables effortless with an aquaponics system increases the quality and taste.

This type of gardening involves growing fish and vegetables in total interdependence.

Thus, you will have fresh vegetables at any hour and period of the year.

In other words, you will also be able to grow fish in a much easier way.

If you had chosen to set up an aquaculture.

Why are fish so important to grow organic vegetables in  aquaponics?

Well, the first step in setting up your Aquaponics system is that of purchasing a fish tank and, of course, the fish.
This is mainly because they are the ones which are going to provide food for your plants.

Once you place the fish in the tank you can say you have started your aquaponics garden.
Mainly, placing the fish in the water is a similar step to preparing the land in traditional gardening.

What is the benefit of an Aquaponics Garden?

Under certain circumstances, the fish will create the perfect environment for the plants.

Usually it will take about a month before starting to grow your organic vegetables. 

Their excrements will turn into perfect nutrients on which plants can feed.

Once the water is filled with nutrients, the seeds are placed in special pots.

They will be submersed in the tank so that the water can reach the seeds.

How will the fish continue to produce organic vegetables?

Because the fish provide food for the seed.

That is why fish are so important to grow organic vegetables and healthy food in an Aquaponics system.
As time goes by, your plants grow bigger and bigger and also clean the water for the fish.

They can grow and develop as well, which is a great benefit having an Aquaponics garden.

In Summary:  

Taking good care of your fish will result in good, tasty, healthy and organically grown vegetables.                                                                               In case you already have a fish tank in your house convert it into an aquaponics system.                                    

Your fish will be happy, while your family will have lots of fresh vegetables for each and every meal. 

So I hope this post has helped you to find inspiration for your next project to grow organic, healthy vegetables.  

The truth is you really never know when your next source of inspiration may strike, so best of luck to you.

Hydroponics systems are popular among hobby farmers.

Hydroponics systems are popular among hobby farmers.


Why Is an Aquaponic System Better than a Hydroponic One

Hydroponics gardens are now highly popular among entrepreneurs and hobby farmers. 

Learn the advantages and disadvantages of hydroponics in this article.

Furthermore, hydroponics require little space, are easy to take care of and give satisfactory results.

However, you will need to supply the water with necessary nutrients.

Which are most of the times chemical, the taste of the crops is not quite the ones people expect.

Also, hobby farmers trying to switch to organic products have a hard time in coping with the chemical additions.

Certainly, from the hydroponically-grown vegetables.

Fortunately, a new type of gardening is available.

It is called the aquaponic system and can help you grow organic food in your home or business.


What is the difference between aquaponics and hydroponics?

The aquaponic system is a mixture between the aquaculture, as it requires growing fish in a special fish tank.

And hydroponics, as it involves growing plants with water and nutrients.

You will probably wonder what role the fish play in all this business.

Well, things are quite easy: the fish excrements contain ammonia which is later decomposed in nutrients and nitrates.

The latter substance is beneficial for the plants.

Because, it is offering them enough nutrients to grow and develop normally.

Thus, there will be no need to supply your plants with chemical substances.

For this reason, they will already have all the food they need.

Advantages of Aquaponics over Hydroponics

This leads to the several advantages that the aquaponic system has over the hydroponics one.

First, the vegetables will have a better taste as they will grow only with natural food and at their own pace.

This will give them that delicious taste you love so much in veggies. and perfect for your diet.

Then, the system is simpler, as you will no longer need to feed your plants each and every day.

Just make sure that your fish are in good shape and then let nature take its course.

Last, but not least, with the aquaponic system you grow vegetables, but you also have fish.

Which you can use for decorative purposes or you can very well cook delicious meals for you and your family.

Aquaponics is an improved version of the hydroponics system.

The crops are better and the process is easier.

In addition to that you get to eat organic food! What more can you wish for?

Aquaponics Farming: Most Powerful Resource You Ever Need

Aquaponics Farming: Most Powerful Resource You Ever Need

auaponic or hydroponic farming

-By Reinhard Eder

Aquaponics farming: Fish and plants are interdependent, which is the basis for an aquaponics system.

Bio nutrients are produced by fish for plants.

While the fish may grow and thrive in an ideal environment that the plants provide by cleaning the water.

It receives help from a combination of aquaculture and hydroponics.

Are you looking to start your own hydroponic or aquaponic system?

Here is the most powerful resource you ever need!

Advantages of Aquaponics or Hydroponics Farming

aquaponics for you  Advantages of Aquaponics Farming, unlike traditional agriculture you will have fresh organic food on your table each and every day.

No matter what time you choose to prepare your meals.

To create your dinners, you just remove your tomato, cucumber, or basil from the aquaponics "field".

It is as simple as it sounds.

The second-best feature is that you may choose from a variety of fish.

And in addition to growing your own vegetables.

An aquaponics system is a wonderful addition to your house.

Whether you use them to prepare delectable dishes or just for decoration.

They also serve a practical purpose since you may grow organic food.

Especially, without ever using chemical fertilizers on your plants.

If you ask how difficult this system is to put into practice, the answer is extremely simple.

You will be able to assemble it all by yourself.

Without the help of your family or neighbors.

Of course, you can also put it wherever you want.

If you move from one house to another, then you simply disassemble the system and take it with you!

 What could be easier than that?

Aquaponics Farming

Solution Of Aquaponics Farming

Aquaponics or hydroponics is your solution.

All you need is water and fish in order to have healthy food on your table each and every day.

The Solution of aquaponic and hydroponic farming is that it offers you financial independence.

And the best part is, having control over your income. 

You know exactly how much you need to spend on your food.

As a result, you no longer depend on the market for your veggies’ supplies.

Last, but not least, it involves no dirty hands and clothes.

As well as no bending and digging.

Not to mention no land and little maintenance time.

So, it will be like your veggies and fish grow all by themselves!

Quite an easy to put in practice system.

Suitable for all types of people, even for busy and impatient ones!

aquaponics and healthy living

Aquaponics And Healthy Living

Aquaponics or hydroponic systems can offer you plenty of advantages!

Improving health and comfort can be a big plus using Aquaponics.

Considerable monetary savings can be achieved practicing Aquaponics type farming.

Do you value healthy living?

Or financial independence, and control of your destiny, then why not try it!

Place your order for the “Step-By-Step how to build your own Aquaponics System” -->  CLICK HERE To get access.

If you have any great ideas about aquaponics or hydroponics, please feel free to leave a comment below.